Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Intro about my hair if your new :)

Hello!Welcome to my new and updated blog mostly focusing on curly hair.My hair type is 3b/3c, which can make it hard to find products that work for each type of the curls.My curls used to be very damaged,brittle and dry, which caused no hair growth to happen at all.After not straightening my hair for a year (apart from the 5month for one day I did for a trim), my hair is now healthy and has grown a lot too.Pictures will be provided each blog of this depending on what each one is about, but you will definitely see a difference.

The Wetbrush Review!

I stumbled across the Wetbrush in August, after hearing about how "amazing" and "life changing" it is.At first I assumed it was all just hype, but then I started researching on the product and seeing a lot of positive feedback.I then started to notice there was no curly/afro haired people on Youtube doing a review on it, which kind of motivated me to get it to be the first to do a review (sad I know).

Above is a photo of the brush and it looks ordinary doesn't it?I personally still don't understand how they've done it unless it is all down too the flexible bristles, but other than that I'm not complaining because my hair is so much better.Below on the left is a picture of my hair a year ago, which heat damage,chemical damage and god knows what else.Then on the right is my hair after brushing it and leaving it to air dry, that actually got posted by The Wetbrush company themselves which I was really proud about for ages.

New Hair!
Damaged Hair,ew!

I still find it quite amazing on the difference of the hair in the pictures,because I honestly did not think changing all of my hair routine and finding a brush that can comb through my hair would make such a difference.One thing though which I reccomend to everyone is that if you have thick curly hair like mine, use it on wet hair!We all know what happens when we brush our hair when its dry......

Other than that, I highly reccomend this brush.They have there own range for kids to brush there hair so if your child was like me screaming and kicking of the sight of a brush before it even touching the hair, this brush will stop that believe me.I've also done a youtube video on this just so you can see it gliding through my hair -----> My Wetbrush Video
I hope you've enjoyed this review :)


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Welcome to my Blog!Whether your transitioning or are natural already, this blog was designed to help you.I'm based in the UK and some of the products will be UK only, rest assured I also order products internationally too, so this blog is for everyone :)
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